From new to expert coach in 7 steps

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How to build your credibility as a coach?

Starting a career as a coach can be pretty impressive.

And it doesn’t matter which niche you are in and who you are working with, the challenge is to show your target audience you know enough to coach them and help them change their life.

In this blog, I am presenting 7 great ideas you need to implement to present yourself as an expert even when you are starting your coaching business.

Let’s explore each of them and see how you can present yourself as an expert when you are starting as a coach. 


1. Get early testimonials

Collect testimonials from clients from the start.

Add them to your website, share them on social media …

Positive testimonials will help you show the others how valuable it is to work with you, the less positive ones will allow you to adjust and make it better with the next client.

Learning is a life-long journey and there is a learning curve in all the things we do!

2. Host webinars

It is a perfect way to get people to know about what you do, while providing them with instant value on a specific topic they are interested in.

Now that they know you have the knowledge, make sure you follow up with them to convert these leads into clients!

3. Get your branding done

You need clarity and consistency, both on your strategy and your visual identity.

Get your branding, including your logo, your color palette, your fonts and more … done professionally will help you place yourself as a genuine professional people will want to work with. Febulous Studio can help you with this part, learn more here about our branding services.

4. Get a website

Having a well-built and attractive website will help you lead your client where you want.

This is the perfect way to present your coaching offer, offer free calls and get leads on your mailing list.

Nothing complicated, but rather the simpiest way to convey your message to your ideal audience.

Your website is like a super cool business card, working 24/7 for you to present your offers. Learn more about Febulous Studio website services.

5. Use professional photos

Pictures are very important as well. As a coach, it might be tricky to get good pictures of your work. So, you can organize a photo shooting with a professional to show a bit behind the scene or stage a coaching and help people connect with you when they visit your social media or website.

But most importantly, don’t use bad images (low resolution, badly framed, fuzzy …), and don’t steal images from the internet (that might cost you a lot!).

It is best that you use professional pictures. You can pay for images on some great photo stocks, but you can also find all you need on free photo stocks.

My favorite sources to get free images are Pexels, Unsplash, Burst and Pixabay. These 4 are what I find best for coaches and wellness professionals.

And to help you find what you need, I curated an amazing selection of 80 photos free to use for your business. Get your 80 free photos here

6. Create valuable content

Identify your ideal customer and pin point the main pain he is facing that you can help him solve.

Give them regular and valuable piece of advice on things they should or shouldn’t do, how, why

Share on social media, on a blog, on a podcast … Educate them, and help them realize working with you will cost them less on the long-run than not working with you, so that they need your expertise!

7. Hold your clients accountable

This is a good way to not look at a newbie with your first clients.

You might think that because they pay you they get to take it easy and that you have to adjust to them and their busy schedule …

True to some extend, but by not holding your clients accountable, they will never achieve anything concrete, which in turn will damage your coaching business.

If people want to work with you, they should be prepared to put in some real work, make time for this and make this a priority. Demanding this from your clients will definitely show you as an expert.

Start implementing these 7 tips and you will quickly see some results on your coaching business.

Go further

Get your 80 free photos for coaches and wellness pros.

Learn more about my BRANDING SERVICES and what exactly I can do for you so you have the perfect branding for your business.