4 reasons why you need branding as a coach or wellness entrepreneur

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The benefits of branding for your coaching or wellness business.

The growth in the wellness industry has been phenomenal in the past years. In 2020, the health and wellness sector scored a $4.4 trillion value worldwide.

During the Covid-19 crisis, wellness went from being a luxury to being a necessity, with more and more persons realizing the importance of building a healthy life on all aspects (physical, mental and spiritual).

Therefore, the growth in the health and wellness industry is faster than the rest of the economy and the industry could reach almost $7 trillion globally by 2025!

As you can understand, the health and wellness industry seem to have a great future. But that level of growth also means big tough competition.

And this is precisely why you need to make sure you have all the cards in hands to look professional and stand out as a small wellness entrepreneur (or solopreneur).

One of the first strategies you need to apply to your business is branding. Let me explain why …

We could find many reasons as to why branding will do good to your small business, but today I want to focus on what is called the 4 Cs of marketing communication.

  1. Clarity
  2. Credibility
  3. Consistency
  4. Competitiveness


Let’s dive in each of them and see why you need a strong brand strategy and brand design.



1. Clarity

Your brand should communicate your story, in a authentic way. You message should be clear and simple. First to you, then to your audience. When your strategy is obvious to you and when your brand identity is clearly defined, it makes it much easier for your clients to understand your offer and identify with what you do.

2. Credibility

As a solopreneur or small business owner, establishing credibility in your field can be seen as a great challenge. But it is time to let self-doubt behind you and move forward confidently, as the true professional that you are, and branding is here to help you do just that.

Would you rather trust someone that look and sound messy, or someone that is super clear on the message and looks amazing in all their communication?

3. Consistency

Consistency is key … I can never repeat it enough. And this works for many things in life and in your business. As a wellness professional, I am sure you understand this one more than anybody. You don’t change your routine every other day, nor do you give up on things you implement after 2 days. You need to be consistent. Rome was not built in a day, right?

When it comes to your brand, consistency works on 2 layers. You need to stay coherent with your visual identity (stick to your color palette, fonts and design elements) and you need to stay consistent and regular with time (post regularly on social media, send your newsletter regularly …). Both visual consistency and time consistency will help you stand out from the crowd, as they will help you be visible.

4. Competitiveness

Working as a solopreneur or small entrepreneur, you are a one-man band and you need to handle everything with professionalism. As smart and interesting your business idea might be, if you cannot succeed to show your worth to the world, what good can it bring? A good branding will help you stand out and set you appart from your competitors, taking you to a whole new level in your business.

Now, it is time to roll up your sleeves and get to this … GET YOUR BRANDING CLEAR!

In short, branding is the combination of your brand strategy and your brand design.

Go further

Start working on your branding with my FREE WORKBOOK, “Find the perfect colors for your business”.

Learn more about my BRANDING SERVICES and what exactly I can do for you so you have the perfect branding for your business.